
Home Workout!

12 exercises - 3X

1.) Squat with Overhead press (20x)

2.) Jumping Jacks (1 min.)

Do standard jumping jacks or add a band or light weights for more of a challenge!

3.) Single arm row (16-20X each arm)

Don't forget to squeeze the shoulder blades as you pull the weighted arm back. The other arm is placed on your knee for balance.

4.) Frog jumps in a box (1 minute)

Start in a sumo squat position with your feet turned slightly out. Squat into a jump with a quarter turn. Feel free to do ½ of a turn or a whole if you are really ambitious!

5.) crab walk (10-10-9-9-8-8-7-7 and so on)

6.) Step Ups (100x)


7.) Mike Tyson Push ups (up to 7-8x)

Draw in the belly button, squeeze the scapula, tighten the glutes, and keep that pelvis tucked! You got this!

8.) Speed Skaters with weight (1 Minute or 60x)

9.) Quadruped alt raises (20x or 10X on each side)

Start with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Pretend there is glass of water on your back and you cannot spill it! Slowly raise one arm and the opposite leg at the same time keeping the core tight so you don’t spill any water. Pull the arm and leg in for 3 crunches and then slowly lower the arm and leg back down continuing to keep all that water in your glass!

10.) Reverse Lunge with frontal plane kick (15-20X each side)

As you come up from your reverse lunge, kick that leg straight up and out keeping your balance. Draw that leg right back into your reverse lunge.

11.) run around the block or do sprints


12.) Wood chops with medicine ball (15x each side)

It’s just like we do it on the cable machine but with a medicine ball or weight! Keep that back straight, shoulders back, and of course, draw in that belly button!

As always, let us know if you have any questions.

And let us know how you did!