
Home Workout!

100x Rep Challenge!

You can try and do the reps all at once, or you can break it up into 4 sets of 25 reps. You could also break it up throughout the day!  As long as you tally up 100X by the end, we are HAPPY!

1.) Jog with Dumbbells (3 Minutes)


2.) Walking lunges (100X)


3.) Side shuffle with band (2 min)

4.) Upper cuts (100X)

5.) Burpee’s (1 min)


6.) Fire hydrant kick outs (100X)

7.) SL jumping lunge (30 Sec each side)

8.) Mountain Climbers (100X)


9.) High knees (1 min)


10.) Push ups (100X)


11.) Jumping squats (1 min)


12.) Plank with row (100X - 50 each side)

As always, let us know if you have any questions.

And let us know how you did!